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Nina Preuss, BOOST Seminare

Ideamanager/Teambuilding Workshop „Kreation-Beratung“

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BOOST your Idea Management

Become an enabler of great ideas – with training that turns you from project manager to creative consultant.


When project management and creation work well together, developing creative and effective communication can be done much more efficiently and with much more fun. But how can a project manager be a creative sparring partner, ear of the client, strategist, organiser and budget manager all at the same time? How is it possible to react flexibly and creatively when there are so many everyday tensions?


This intensive course teaches junior project managers how to master the challenges of their profession and to not lose sight of the big goal: to manage the creative process, but also to support it in order to get the best possible creative result.


Our workshop covers the “manual” and psychological skills that make everyday working life easier, and gives you what you’ll need in order to move from being a project manager to a creative consultant.



·       The role of the advisor

·       Team organisation

·       Strategic foundations

·       Recognise and optimise good creation

·       Sell ​​a good creation well

·       Implement creation in the various channels

·       What’s essential for me to know?

·       From a specialist in individual disciplines

        to a general problem solver


Duration: 1-2 days, depending on the content and agreement



Nina Preuss


Further details on request.

Request for workshop
"BOOST your Idea Management"

Thank you for your request.

We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Your BOOST team.

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Teambuilding Workshop “Creative department - account management”

Together, not against each other


When project management and creation work together perfectly, nothing stands in the way of arriving at highly creative and effective communication. Together you’re stronger and have a lot more fun.


In day-to-day agency life, however, our relationship often more closely resembles a tug of war rather than harmonious cooperation. Who has which role in the creative process? Which voice holds most weight in assessment and evaluation? How can a timing plan be worked out that makes both the client and the creatives happy?

During the workshop we train creatives and account managers to better understand each other’s roles and tasks.

Together with creation and account management, we develop structures that optimally support the creative process, work efficiently for both parties and enable them to work as a strong, unified team.


The result:

Collaboration between creation and project management is increased

Internal communication and morale is improved

The agency's creative output is increased

Creatives gain a clearer financial understanding of creative processes



Duration: 1-2 days, depending on the content and agreement



Nina Preuss / Imke Jungnitsch / Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas


Further details on request.

Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas, Imke Jungnitsch, Nina Preuss, BOOST Seminare
Request for workshop
"Teambuilding Workshop"

Thank you for your request.

We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Your BOOST team.

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