BOOST your Brand: Look & Feel Coach
Differentiate your brand with unmistakable designs – in a kick-off workshop to define your own brand imagery.
Successful brands can be recognized at first glance: the brand shows its face with its look. It signals what it is, what it offers and which target group it wants to address. It presents its personality in form, colour and structure.
Design with character. A look that’s unmistakable.
During the workshop, we determine which design makes your brand distinctive and which look makes it instantly recognizable.
By combining theory and practice, participants learn how to use innovative look development techniques. And by designing the look of your brand, they start learning how important layout is in great design. They train with creative tools that enable innovative solutions faster, and let them learn how to develop an unmistakable signature for your brand.
The independent, unmistakable look
Design rules
The do’s & don'ts of a good look
Creative tools for innovative design ideas
Time pressure and good design
Evaluation criteria
A rigorous brand look across all channels
Upon request, the workshop can be built around a current project.
If a project is to be implemented in text and images, it’s a good idea to book “Boost your Brand: Look & Feel Coach” in combination with the “BOOST Brand Lab” and “Corporate Language Coach” workshops.
Duration: 1-2 days, depending on the content and agreement
Creative Coach:
Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas

BOOST your layout
Impress with with innovative layouts.
Learn to speed up layouts and push your limits.
Great layouts are eye-catching and memorable. They fit both with the brand and the communications idea. They speak to the target group and aren’t easily forgotten.
Through a blend of theory and practice, workshop participants learn how to develop a range of innovative layouts. Using a specific task example, they explore the limits of what’s possible, in order to come up with fresh, new layouts the world has never seen. Boundaries are broken: in the mind and in the layout process. Workshop participants train with creative tools that enable them to reach innovative solutions, faster, so they’re even able to develop innovative layouts under time pressure.
Features: good layout - bad layout
The role of typography
The effect of the colours
The interplay of text and images
The stand-out, unmistakable look
Creative tools for innovative design ideas
Time pressure and good design
A rigorous brand look across all media
Look optimisation
Upon request, the workshop can be built around a current project.
If a project is to be implemented in text and images, it makes sense to book “BOOST your Layout” in combination with the “BOOST Brand Lab” and “Corporate Language Coach” workshops.
Duration: 1-2 days, depending on the content and agreement
Creative Coach:
Nicole Hoefer-Wirwas